This blog is to introduce in details about the Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) in Malaysia.

Friday 26 April 2013


The globe symbolizes globalization and internationalization of MOHE as the Centre of Educational Excellence.

The spiral progression symbolizes the development towards higher goals and the dynamic nature of MOHE.

The red ladder symbolizes the rapid and continuous improvement in the quality and professionalism of the MOHE staff.

The revolving coil around the globe symbolizes the dynamicism and responsiveness to changes.

The colours of MALAYSIA FLAG are used.

Red symbolizes bravery andready for any challenge.

Blue symbolizes unity, dark blue symbolizes stability and strength of MOHE as the centre of education in the world.

Yellow symbolizes sovereignty and Islam to accentuate MOHE as an outstanding, prestigious, and quality government agency. The bright colour symbolizes MOHE as an active and energetic ministry.

Bright colour symbolized MOHE as an active and energetic ministry.

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