This blog is to introduce in details about the Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) in Malaysia.

Friday 26 April 2013

Department of Higher Education

The Department of Higher Education is one of the four departments/sectors under the Ministry of Higher Education which regulates the nation’s higher educational institutions’ affairs (both public and private). It was formed with the establishment of the Ministry of Higher Education on 27 March 2004.

The Department of Higher Education (DHE) is responsible for policy planning, development and management of Public Institutions of Higher Education (PIHE) and Private Institutions of Higher Education (PvIHE) to elevate the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) in Malaysia as world-class centres for academic excellence, in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).

To realize its goals and functions as an important department, its functions and responsibilities have been divided into the following sectors:
  • Management Sector of Public Institutions of Higher Education (PIHE)
  • Management Sector of Private Institutions of Higher Education (PvIHE)

To develop Malaysian Higher Educational Institutions as Centre of Academic Excellence of International Standard.

To develop and strengthen the higher educational institutions that produce individuals who are competitive and innovative with high moral values to meet the nation’s aspirations.


  • To ensure that at least two national universities are ranked among the world's 200 best universities with one of them listed among the Top 50 universities in the world.
  • To develop at least 10 centres of excellence that are internationally recognised for their research, copyrights, publications, research collaboration and commercialization of research findings.
  • To ensure at least 75% of the lecturers in Public Institutions of Higher Education (PIHE) possess a PhD degree or its equivalent.
  • To produce competent graduates who are able to meet the needs of the national and international workforce with 75% of them successfully securing employment within six months after graduation.
  • To ensure that 200,000 international students pursue their Diploma, Bachelor and Post-Graduate degrees in local institutions of higher education by the year 2020.
  • To enhance strategic linkages between local and foreign institutions of higher education as well as other local or international renowned research institutions in the fields of research, development and commercialisation.
  • To formulate and establish policies, regulatory systems and services that facilitate the development of an enhanced quality higher education in accordance with the higher education policy and the country’s vision.
  • To ensure that at least 40% of the cohort aged 17-23 years pursue tertiary education, and student development programmes produce all-rounded students who are physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually balanced.


The key functions of the Department are:
  • To draft, implement, monitor and evaluate policies, programmes and activities of higher educational institutions with an aim towards
    higher education excellence.
  • To develop an efficient and innovative management system for the higher educational institutions.
  • To plan and ensure that the establishment of higher educational institutions and their facilities are conducive and of high quality which are at par with international best practices.
  • To plan and coordinate the establishment of centres of excellence in higher educational institutions.
  • To develop academicians of higher educational institutions who possess high scholastic qualifications to excel in their respective specialised fields of specialisation.
  • To research, draft, update and enforce the Acts that are related to higher education.
  • To plan and coordinate policies that inculate a research culture by strengthening research activities, development and commercialisation through better collaboration among higher educational institutions, industries and the government.
  • To develop, monitor and supervise academic programmes of higher educational institutions to fulfill the needs of the employment market and to gain international recognition.
  • To draft, coordinate and execute the policies for local and international student admissions into higher educational institutions.
  • To draft and coordinate policies as well as to plan the personal development and welfare of Malaysian students studying in local and foreign higher educational institutions, so as to produce holistic graduates in line with the national aspiration.
  • To plan, encourage and coordinate activities the for the internationalisation of Malaysian higher educational through various strategic approaches.
  • To plan, implement and coordinate marketing activities of higher education locally and internationally, towards positioning Malaysia
    as a Centre of Educational Excellence.

The different divisions under the Department of Higher Education will concentrate on their respective areas in improving the quality of education services and ensuring that programmes offered by the public and private higher educational institutions in Malaysia are of high quality and international standards. In their endeavour to achieve these goals, they have established promotional offices in Dubai, Jakarta, Ho-Chi Minh City and Beijing. A Technical Committee has also been formed to make Malaysia a Centre of Excellence. This committee is chaired by the Minister of Higher Education. A Technical Committee on ‘Edu-Tourism’ was also formed.


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