This blog is to introduce in details about the Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) in Malaysia.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Humane Complimentary Scholarship


This programme is named 'Complimentary Scholarship' as to provide capable young generations, regardless affordable or unaffordable, a better environment for higher education. Malaysia stands between rich and poor countries. Rich families in Malaysia can afford their children to complete their higher education either locally or abroad nevertheless the overall cost it takes. However, the poor families cannot afford their children to go for higher education even though their children are capable. If this continues, Malaysia will lack of many talented future leaders as time passes by. To wipe out this problem before it becomes critical, scholarship is advisable to be given. Although there are many authorities have been providing scholarships, they do ask for in-return favours. For instance, scholars will be asked to work under the respective authorities for years before they are freed. For those authorities who provide complimentary scholarships, they do ask for unreasonable high qualifications which are quite difficult for young generations to apply for. Therefore, this programme is proposed to be launched for the sake of young generations who are capable and talented to pursue their higher education without any restrictions. 


  • To enable capable and talented young generations to pursue higher education
  • To provide sufficient subsidy for diligent young generations despite family background
  • To enable more young generations of Malaysian to be more educated
  • To increase the statistics of educated citizens in Malaysia 

Targeted Group

Every citizen of Malaysian is advised to pursue higher education in order for Malaysia to be more developed. However, this programme is targeted on young adults especially SPM leavers and O-Level holders. 

Implementation Measures 

Many authorities have been providing scholarships for young generations but yet the statistic of educated citizens are still low. This is due to the incorrect implementation of the authorities. Most of the authorities require payback scholar have completed their higher education. Otherwise, they require unreasonable high qualifications to apply for scholarships. All these outrageous demands restrict young generations to apply for scholarships. Therefore, better measures have to be taken to allow more young generations to apply for scholarships to pursue higher education. 

  • Lower the prerequisites to apply for scholarships
It is understandable for authorities to set high requirements for young generation to apply for scholarships. However, if the requirements are unreasonable, for example, straight A+ to apply for scholarships, many of the young generations cannot afford to meet the requirement. Grades are important, but not as important as practical intelligence. 

  • Application for scholarships are open for all Malaysians 
Malaysia is a multiracial country which comprises of more than three races. Authorities should open the application for scholarships to all citizens of Malaysia regardless of the race and family background. With this, more young generations are able to receive higher education. 

  • A borderline for grades should be set and maintained
Although the prerequisites for application should be lowered, the requirement for scholars to maintain their grades at a particular borderline should be implied. This is to ensure that young generations are able to apply for scholarships and at the same time, withstand the standard required for higher education. 

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