This blog is to introduce in details about the Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) in Malaysia.

Friday 26 April 2013

The Department of Polytechnic Education


The Department of Polytechnic Education (DPE) is in charge of developing polytechnics for Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TEVT) of the country to a firm and significant level within the value chain of the education and training sector.
The transformation of polytechnics is being carried out in accordance with the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (NHESP) and National Key Result Areas (NKRA). This empowers the polytechnics in providing an alternative route for developing sufficient highly skilled and better-quality human capital in ensuring the success of a new economy based on innovation and creativity.
The commercialization of research via collaboration between the polytechnics and the industry will improve and accelerate the pace of technology transfer as well as help the process of innovation at the industry level to gain success. This confidence will entice the industry to invest in polytechnics by providing financial resources to fund research and innovation activities. This will in turn help enhance the competitiveness of national productivity.
Premier polytechnics are established to play the lead role in the transformation agenda. This is done by offering programmes in niche areas that could form the basis for advancing polytechnics to a higher level as well as being referral experts for the industry as Centres of Excellence (COE). Polytechnics are also responsible for providing talents for national economy and not merely employees in order to generate a high income economy and sustainable development.

KUALA LUMPUR: UCSI University (UCSI) and the Department of Polytechnic Education (DPE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster greater cooperation in the area of technical education and training. The much awaited MoU signing ceremony took place on Mar 19, 2013.

Under the MoU, both UCSI and DPE have agreed to exchange best practices in research, curriculum and content development for various programmes of study and to create more articulation opportunities for polytechnic students. The cooperation will also result in increased academic mobility between UCSI and polytechnic for teaching staff, researchers and students.

The MoU signing ceremony was officiated by MOHE Secretary General YBhg. Datuk Ab Rahim bin Md Noor, UCSI Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs and Research) Prof. Emeritus Dr. Lim Koon Ong and two other representatives from Sunway College Kuching and EC-Council Academy.

Higher Education Minister YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin and Department of Polytechnic Education Director General Mejar (K) Haji Md. Nor bin Yusof, to name a few, were among the government dignitaries who were present to witness the ceremony.

Higher Education Minister YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said: "I am certain that today's MoU will help (enhance) the polytechnic students' learning process and (will be useful in) their future career."

Department of Polytechnic Education Director General Mejar (K) Haji Md. Nor also echoed YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Khaled sentiment, adding that polytechnic students has received many benefits from the previous MoU – in terms of articulation opportunities, industrial placements and professional certifications.

"Through this collaboration, we hope that students will take advantage of these opportunities to enrich their learning experience during their studies," he said.

Commenting on the MoU signing ceremony, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Lim said: "Universities play a crucial role in producing graduates who are well-versed in the intricacies of the industry."

"I believe that this move is an excellent example of how both public and private institutions can work together to raise the standards of technical and vocational education for the benefit of the nation."

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