This blog is to introduce in details about the Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) in Malaysia.

Friday 26 April 2013

Vision, Mission, Motto, Objective.

To make Malaysia a centre of higher educational excellence by the year 2020.

To build and create a higher education environment that is conducive for the development of a superior centre of knowledge and to generate individuals who are competent, innovative and of noble character to serve the needs of the nation and the world.

  1. To create a strategic and systematic plan for higher education
  2. To reinforce the management system of higher education
  3. To increase the level of capacity, accessibility and participation in higher education
  4. To enhance the quality of higher education at par with international standards
  5. To internationalize Malaysian higher education 


Leading Knowledge Excellence


  1. To ensure at least two national universities are listed among the top 100 universities in the world, and one of the universities is listed among the top 50 universities in the world.
  2. To develop at least 20 international accredited Centres of Excellence for research, copyrights, publications, research co-operations, and 10% from the research results is commercialized.
  3. To ensure at least 75% of lecturers in public institutions of higher education hold a Doctor of Philosophy degree or its equivalent, and 30% of lecturers in polytechnics and community colleges hold a Master degree or its equivalent.
  4. To produce competent graduates to meet the needs of the national and international workforce with the aim that 75% of the graduates will secure jobs in the relevant fields within six months after graduation.
  5. To encourage internationalisation of higher education by attracting foreign students to achieve at least 10% of the total student population for diploma, first degree, and postgraduate.
  6. To increase the access to higher education of  cohort (17-23 years old) to 50%, and to widen lifelong learning opportunities for all in all forms of conventional and non-conventional higher education.
  7. To ensure continuous improvement in public university financing from other sources with a ratio of 30% financed by comprehensive/focused universities, 40% by research universities and the rest by the government.
  8. To provide sufficient higher education infrastructures compatible to the best practices that are used internationally.
  9. To provide financial aids for potential and eligible students to gain access to higher education.
  10. To strengthen strategic collaborations between local and foreign higher education institutions, as well as renowned local and foreign institutions in the field of research, development and commercialisation.

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